Pottery (Sat)

There are currently no upcoming dates for this course. Check back soon!
Interested in attending? Please register your interest and we will contact you when we schedule the next course date.

Register your interest now!

Here's your chance to create a variety of pots using a potter's wheel, hand building or press moulds as well as decorating and glazing them to your liking.

Ideal for beginners or those with a little experience. This practical course covers information about form and function, clays, glaze colours and electric firings. Materials fee includes materials, firing and clay.

Slip Casting option available - additional cost of $20. Please email our office is you wish to do Slip Casting so we can arrange the proper course materials are available at the first class.



Please note: All courses need a minimum number to go ahead. If your course does not have enough enrolments, we regret that we will have to cancel and will let you know either by email or text. Courses are usually cancelled, when necessary, 2-3 working days prior to the scheduled start date.